Get the Cash You Need Quickly With a Merchant Cash Advance
Companies that need a quick cash injection to take advantage of short-term opportunities often find that the financial industry is not built with them in mind. That’s because most business loans are designed as long-term investments, and they are also usually tied to some asset. As a result, loan board determinations can take a long time, and they aren’t designed to help with things like frontloading inventory before a seasonal rush.
Merchant Cash Advance Services
Luckily, there is an alternative built with consumer-facing businesses in mind, and that is the merchant advance. When you take out an advance this way, your merchant account is used to finance the loan. That means it is your monthly volume of credit receipts that is used to calculate the loan amount, and the repayment is also tied to your credit receipts. The more you make, the more quickly you pay back the advance.
Benefits of MCAs
- No closing costs
- No application fees
- No loss of equity in the business
- Easy repayment
- Fast and flexible
If you are looking for a way to meet your business’s seasonal needs, contact a Prime Start Capital associate today to discuss what an MCA can do for you. They can also assist you with an application.